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Volleyball 2017
Rank One online forms


7th/8th grade Volleyball Tryouts must attend all days listed 

Must have physical to tryout and ran on completed.

7th and 8th grade Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday , August 15th, 16th & 17th

Tuesday 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm (7th grade could be extended to 5:45 each day.)

Wednesday 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Thursday TBD

Volleyball Schedule

South Lady Dbacks Policies (must be read: Parents meeting. We will have sign sheets for parents to sign during the meeting).

Lady Dback policies

*Every athlete trying out must have a physical on file.

AS WELL AS RANK ONE ONLINE PARTICIPATION FORM (Click the link below: this form should be complete by a parent/guardian once every school year.) Athletes will not be able to try-out without both a physical and Rank One completed. There will be no exceptions.

Physicals & Online Participation: Due August 15th

Rank One UIL online physical form